- Authors
- Julia E. Hoch
- Jürgen Wegge
- title
- Shared leadership in virtual teams: the impact of Cognitive, affective and behavioural team leadership on team performance
- Please use the following URL when quoting:
- https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-qucosa-141229
- original_z0
- Klaus Meißner & Martin Engelien (Hrsg.), GeNeMe '08: Gemeinschaften in Neuen Medien, TU Dresden, 01./02.10.2008, Dresden: TUDpress, ISBN: 978-3-940046-95-6, S. 253-265
- original_in_proceeding0
- GeNeMe '08
- publication_date
- 2008
- Abstract (EN)
- The present investigation is concerned with shared leadership and team performance in a sample of 20 organizational virtual teams. We examine shared team leadership in terms of cognitive processes (team learning), affective processes (perceived team support), and behavioural processes (team member exchange quality). Our findings document internal validity of the shared leadership model, and high external validity in predicting team performance. Findings are discussed with regard to management of virtual teams in organizations.
- Keywords (DE)
- Konferenz, GeNeMe 2008, Neue Medien, Virtuelles Unternehmen, Team, gemeinschaftliche Führung, Teamleistung
- Keywords (EN)
- conference, new media, online community, virtual team, shared leadership, team performance
- Classification (DDC)
- 330
- Classification (RVK)
- QR 760
- university_publisher
- Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden
- URN Qucosa
- urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-qucosa-141229
- Qucosa date of publication
- 09.05.2014
- Document type
- in_proceeding
- Document language
- English
- licence