function varargout = plotstats(varargin) %PLOTSTATS Format and plot data for basic statitical analysis. % % PLOTSTATS(XDATA,YDATA) generate a nice figure for the statistical % visualisation of datasets. YDATA is a cell array of vectors, each vector % being a group of samples to test. XDATA is a cell array of the same size % of YDATA, each element being a single number representing the abscissa of % the corresponding sample group in YDATA. If XDATA is missing, YDATA is % displayed as given. Example: % ydata = { % [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ] % [ 2 3 4 5 ] % 10*rand(10,1) }; % xdata = { % 1 % 2 % 3 }; % ydata % ydata = % [ 1x9 double] % [ 1x4 double] % [10x1 double] % xdata % xdata = % [1] % [2] % [3] % plotstats(xdata,ydata) % % With this default syntax, the command generate a 2-panel figure. The % first one containing the raw data plot, the second one the box plot. See % below for details. % This script will try to detect outliers using interquartile spacing, like % in BOXPLOT. Data points that are farther than % whiskers * (interquartile distance) from the 1st or 3rd quartile % will be highlighted as outliers and discarded from further analysis. The % value of the 'whisker' parameters is 1.5 by default, and can be % customized, see below. % % It is possible to extensively customize this plot, using a field/value % pair syntax, like % PLOTSTATS(XDATA,YDATA,'field','value',...) % Possible fields are the following: % % BASIC DISPLAY OPTIONS % % 'YLabel' - a string, default = '' % Specify the label of the ordinate axis on each panel. % % 'FigureTitle' - a string, default = 'Plot stats' % Specify the name of the figure. % % 'FigureHandle' - a figure handle. default: create a new figure % Specify to what figure the plots should be directed % % 'DisplayNumberFormat' - a string, default = '4.2e' % Specify how to display numerical value on the figure each time it is % required. Must be a format string understandable by num2str. See % SPRINTF for help. % % 'SeriesLabels' - a cell of string, which size matches the YDATA cell. % Specify the name of each sample group to be displayed as the abscissa % label. By default, the value of xdata is displayed. % % 'PointLabels' - a cell of cell of string, with one element per element in % the YDATA cell. % Specify the 'DisplayName' of each individual data point, useful to % track outliers. Empty by default. % % ANALYSIS OPTIONS % % 'PlotRawData' - logical, default = true % If true, will plot the raw data set, as individual points of ordinate % specified in YDATA and of abscissa XDATA + a random amount to % highlight individual points. % This panel can be customized using the 'PlotRawDataOptions' field, see % below. % % 'PlotBox' - logical, default = true % If true, will plot the bocplot of the whole dataset, as with the % command BOXPLOT in the statistics toolbox. % This panel can be customized using the 'PlotBoxOptions' field, see % below. % % 'PlotHistogram' - logical, default = false % If true, will plot the grouped histogram of the whole dataset. % This panel can be customized using the 'PlotHistogramOptions' field, % see below. % % 'PlotFit' - logical, default = false % If true, will plot the errorbar plot (mean +/- standard error) % of the dataset, and try to fit it. % This panel can be customized using the 'PlotFitOptions' field, % see below. % % PANELS OPTIONS % % Each of this 4 panels can be customized by giving in argument a struct % containing the field and value for each parameters. They are detailed % here: % % For 'PlotRawDataOptions', a struct with fields: % 'AddMeanToPlot' - logical, default = false % If true will add next to the datapoints the error plot of each % sample group (mean +/- standard error). % 'DataSpread' - a double, default = 0.2 % Specify the random amount to add to the abscissa of each data point % to separate and highlight them. % 'DisplayProperties' - a struct of plot options, understandable by plot % (LineWidth, Color, etc...), that will be use to display data % points. % 'MeanDisplayProperties' - the same, to customize the appearance of % the mean plot. % 'OutliersProperties' - the same, but used to highlight outliers. % % For 'PlotBoxOptions', a struct with fields: % 'WhiskerFactor' - a double, default = 1.5 % Specify the whiskers length, also used to find outliers. Data % points that are farther than whiskers * (interquartile distance) % from the 1st or 3rd quartile will be highlighted as outliers and % discarded from further analysis. % 'PlotStudentTest' - logical, default = true % If true, will perform a t-test on each pair of sample group, and % will add the result to the panel. A black line will link sample % group for which difference was found to be significant, a red line % otherwise. T-tests are peformed with outliers excluded. % 'TtestPairs' - a logical matrix % Can be used to specify between what pair of sample groups the t-test % bars are to be drawn (they are all computed anyway). For example, % if you have 4 sample groups and want to draw the t-test bars between % the 1st group and the 2nd group and between the 3rd group and the % 4th group only, enter a matrix of this shape: % [ [ 0 1 0 0] % First line specify pairs made with 1st group. % [ 0 0 0 0] % No need to repeat the 2nd pair. % [ 0 0 0 1] % [ 0 0 0 0] ] % By default, they will all be drawn. % 'PrintHelp' - logical, default = false % If true, will add to the panel a small help of what is the box % plot. % 'Spacer' - a double, default = 0.03 % Percentage by which t-test bars will be spaced on the panel. % % For 'PlotHistogramOptions', a struct with fields: % 'Nbins' - a whole number, default = 7 % Number of bins for the histogram. % 'WidthFactor' - a double, default = 0.5 % Relative width of individual bars in the histogram. % 'AlphaTransparency' - a double, default = 1.0 % Value for alpha transparency of each bar in the histogram. % 'ColormapFunction' - a function handle, default = @(arg) summer(arg) % A function handle that specify the color of each sample group % histogram. % % For 'PlotFitOptions', a struct with fields: % 'DoFit' - logical, default = false % If true, will try to fit the mean values by a fit whose parameters % are specified by the following fields: % 'FitFunctionStr' - string, default = ' A * x + B' % String describing the fitting function to perform the fit with. % 'FitParam' - cell of string, default = {'A','B'} % Specify what are the parameters in the FitFunction. % 'FitIndep' - cell of string, default = 'x' % Specify what are the independant variable in the FitFunction. % 'FitStartPoint' - a vector, default = [-0.3 0.3] % Specify the starting point for the fitting procedure. % The fit is made through the fit function of the curve fitting toolbox, % using the NonlinearLeastSquares method. % % OUTPUT % % S = PLOTSTATS(...) will output a struct S, with the following fields: % % 'SeriesLabel' - cell of string % Contain the label given to each sample group. % % 'Outliers' - cell of logical vector % Each element of these arrays specify if the corresponding data point is % an outlier (true) or not(false). % % 'Plot' - a sub-struct, with fields % 'Figure' - handle to the figure % 'AxesRawData' - handle to the axes of the raw data panel % 'AxesBox' - handle to the axes of the boxplot panel % 'AxesHistogram' - handle to the histogram panel % 'AxesMeanStdErr' - handle to the axes of the mean/fit panel % % 'TTest' - a sub-struct with results from the t-tests/ % 'h' - cell of logical values. Difference significance. % Logical value at index (i,j) is true if % the difference between sample groups i and j % was found to be statistically different, false % otherwise. % 'p' - cell of double. P-values. % Value at index (i,j) is the p-value given by the t-test between % sample groups i and j. % 'ci' - cell of 2x1 double. % Value at index (i,j) is the confidence intervals given by the % t-test between sample groups i and j. % % 'Stats' - a sub-struct with fields: % 'Mean' - array of double, mean of each sample group. % 'Std' - array of double, standard deviation of each sample group. % 'Err' - array of double, standard error of each sample group. % % -------- % EXAMPLES % -------- % % % Basic plot % x = {1 2 4}; % y={ rand(50,1), rand(50,1), 0.7 + 0.5*rand(100,1)}; % plotstats(x,y) % % % With everything, outliers and fit (default is straight line) % x = {10 5 20}; % y={ 2*rand(50,1), rand(50,1), [2.1 + 0.8*rand(100,1)' 0.2 0.25 0.1]}; % labels = {'medium' 'low' 'high'}; % fitopt.DoFit = true; % option structure for the fit panel % plotstats(x,y,'SeriesLabels',labels,'PlotHistogram',true,'PlotFit',true,'PlotFitOptions',fitopt) % % % With no graphical output and a output argument, one can get only the result struct: % x = {10 5 20}; % y={ 2*rand(50,1), rand(50,1), [2.1 + 0.8*rand(100,1)' 0.2 0.25 0.1]}; % labels = {'medium' 'low' 'high'}; % fitopt.DoFit = true; % option structure for the fit panel % S = plotstats(x,y,'SeriesLabels',labels,'PlotRawData',false,'PlotBox',false,'PlotFitOptions',fitopt) %% Varargin check % First try to see if we got X or not arg1 = varargin{1}; if nargin > 1 arg2 = varargin{2}; if ~iscell(arg2) % We were called with only 1 numerical cell array, so we have to % specify X ourselves Y = arg1; X = num2cell(1:numel(Y)); argin = varargin(2:end); else % We have 2 numerical cell as input Y = arg2; X = arg1; argin = varargin(3:end); % Do we have scalar X position? if ~iscell(X) X = num2cell(X); end end else Y = arg1; X = num2cell(1:numel(Y)); argin = varargin(2:end); end % Option defaults for the raw data plot rawdataoptions = struct( ... 'AddMeanToPlot',false,... 'DataSpread',0.2, ... 'DisplayProperties', struct( ... 'Linestyle','none',... 'Marker','o',... 'MarkerFaceColor','w',... 'MarkerEdgeColor','k'), ... 'MeanDisplayProperties', struct( ... 'LineStyle','none',... 'Color','b',... 'LineWidth',1.5,... 'MarkerFaceColor','w',... 'MarkerEdgeColor','b',... 'MarkerSize',10,... 'Marker','o'), ... 'OutliersProperties', struct( ... 'Linestyle','none',... 'Marker','o',... 'MarkerFaceColor','w',... 'MarkerEdgeColor','r') ... ); def{1} = rawdataoptions; isval{1} = { @islogical @isreal @isstruct @isstruct @isstruct }; % Option defaults for the boxplot boxoptions = struct( ... 'WhiskerFactor', 1.5, ... % exclude data further than whis * interquartile -> outliers 'Spacer', 0.03, ... % specify the spacing of the student t-test bars (in percent) 'PrintHelp', false, ... % print help about boxplot 'PlotStudentTest', false, ... 'TtestPairs', [] ... ); def{2} = boxoptions; isval{2} = { @isreal @isreal @islogical @islogical @isreal }; % Option defaults for the histogram plot histogramoptions = struct( ... 'Nbins',7,... 'WidthFactor',0.5 ,... 'AlphaTransparency',1.0,... 'ColormapFunction',@(arg) summer(arg) ... ); def{3} = histogramoptions; isval{3} = { @(i) iswhole(i) @isreal @isreal @(i) isa(i,'function_handle') }; % Option defaults for the mean and stderr plot meanstderroptions = struct( ... 'DoFit',false,... 'FitFunctionStr',' A * x + B', ... 'FitParam','', ... 'FitIndep','',... 'FitStartPoint',[-0.3 0.3] ... ); isval{4} = { @islogical @ischar @ischar @ischar @isnumeric }; meanstderroptions.FitParam = {'A','B'}; meanstderroptions.FitIndep = 'x'; def{4} = meanstderroptions; % Main option list listfields = { 'SeriesLabels' 'PointLabels' 'YLabel' 'PlotRawData' 'PlotRawDataOptions' 'PlotBox' 'PlotBoxOptions' 'PlotHistogram' 'PlotHistogramOptions' 'PlotFit' 'PlotFitOptions' 'DisplayNumberFormat' 'FigureTitle' 'FigureHandle' }; testvalid = { @(arg) true @iscell @ischar @islogical @isstruct @islogical @isstruct @islogical @isstruct @islogical @isstruct @ischar @ischar @ishandle }; acceptablevalues = { {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} }; default = struct( ... 'serieslabels',{''}, ... 'pointlabels',{ [] },... 'ylabel','',... 'plotrawdata',true,... 'plotrawdataoptions',rawdataoptions,... 'plotbox',true,... 'plotboxoptions',boxoptions,... 'plothistogram',false,... 'plothistogramoptions',histogramoptions,... 'plotfit',false,... 'plotfitoptions',meanstderroptions, ... 'displaynumberformat','%4.2g', ... 'figuretitle','Plot stats',... 'figurehandle',[]... ); mainoptions = checkfield(argin,listfields,testvalid,acceptablevalues,default); % Check for validity of suboptions opt{1} = mainoptions.PlotRawDataOptions; opt{2} = mainoptions.PlotBoxOptions; opt{3} = mainoptions.PlotHistogramOptions; opt{4} = mainoptions.PlotFitOptions; for i = 1 : length(opt) lfields = fieldnames(def{i}); accval = cell(length(lfields),1); opt{i} = checkfield( struct2varargin(opt{i}), lfields, isval{i}, accval, def{i}); %#ok end rawdataoptions = opt{1}; boxoptions = opt{2}; histogramoptions = opt{3}; meanstderroptions = opt{4}; %% Settings % What to plot doplotrawdata = mainoptions.PlotRawData; doplotbox = mainoptions.PlotBox; doplothistogram = mainoptions.PlotHistogram; doplotmeanstderr = mainoptions.PlotFit; % Plot raw data addtorawdatamean = rawdataoptions.AddMeanToPlot; plotdisp = rawdataoptions.DataSpread; datasetopt = rawdataoptions.DisplayProperties; meandisplayopt = rawdataoptions.MeanDisplayProperties; outliersetopt = rawdataoptions.OutliersProperties; % Boxplot and outliers exclusion whis = boxoptions.WhiskerFactor; % exclude data further than whis * interquartile doplotstudenttest = boxoptions.PlotStudentTest; printstathelp = boxoptions.PrintHelp; % print help about boxplot spacer = boxoptions.Spacer; % percent ttestpairs = boxoptions.TtestPairs; % Histogran nbins = histogramoptions.Nbins; % number of bins for histogram wfactor = histogramoptions.WidthFactor; % Witdth of the bars of the histogram histalpha = histogramoptions.AlphaTransparency; cmap = histogramoptions.ColormapFunction; % Fit dofit = meanstderroptions.DoFit; funcstr = meanstderroptions.FitFunctionStr; param = meanstderroptions.FitParam; indep = meanstderroptions.FitIndep; spoint = meanstderroptions.FitStartPoint; strn = mainoptions.DisplayNumberFormat; % How to display numbers? labely = mainoptions.YLabel; hfigure = mainoptions.FigureHandle; %% Loading - Real code starts here if ~isempty(mainoptions.SeriesLabels) textleg = mainoptions.SeriesLabels; else textleg = cell(length(X),1); for i = 1 : length(X) textleg{i} = num2str(X{i},strn); end end S.SeriesLabels = textleg; T = cell(length(Y),1); xpos = NaN(length(Y),1); for i = 1 : length(Y) if ~isempty(mainoptions.PointLabels) T{i} = mainoptions.PointLabels{i}; else temp = num2str( (1 : length(Y{i}))' ); if isempty(temp) T{i} = {'0'}; else [itemp jtemp] = size(temp); T{i} = mat2cell(temp,ones(1,itemp),jtemp); end end % Deal with empty vectors if isempty(X{i}) X{i}(1) = NaN; end if isempty(Y{i}) Y{i}(1) = NaN; end xpos(i) = X{i}(1); end [junk boxpos] = sort(xpos) ; %#ok %% Determine outliers Xo = X; Yo = Y; % Yo, Xo : data with outliers excluded outlier = cell(length(Y),1); for i =1 : length(Y) pctiles = prctile(Y{i},[25;50;75]); q1 = pctiles(1,:); q3 = pctiles(3,:); vhi = q3 + whis * (q3-q1); upadj = max(Y{i}(Y{i}<=vhi)); if (isempty(upadj)), upadj = q3; end vlo = q1 - whis * (q3-q1); loadj = min(Y{i}(Y{i}>=vlo)); if (isempty(loadj)), loadj = q1; end outlier{i} = Y{i} < loadj | Y{i} > upadj; Yo{i}(outlier{i}) = []; end S.Outliers = outlier; %% Compute stats ymean = NaN(length(Xo),1); ystd = NaN(length(Xo),1); yerr = NaN(length(Xo),1); yn = NaN(length(Xo),1); % Stats: we do not include NaNs in stats for i = 1 : length(Xo) ymean(i) = nanmean(Yo{i}); ystd(i) = nanstd(Yo{i}); yn(i) = sum ( ~isnan(Yo{i})); yerr(i) = ystd(i) / sqrt( yn(i) ) ; end S.Stats.Mean = ymean; S.Stats.Std = ystd; S.Stats.Err = yerr; S.Stats.N = yn; %% Concatenate data dx = []; dy = []; for i = 1 : length(X) dx = [dx; X{i}(1) * ones(length(Y{i}),1)]; %#ok dy = [dy; Y{i}(:)]; %#ok end %% Make fit if dofit foptions = fitoptions( ... 'Method','NonlinearLeastSquares',... 'StartPoint',spoint); fmodel = fittype(funcstr,... 'coefficients',param,... 'independent',indep,... 'options',foptions); rfit = fit(dx,dy,fmodel); rc = coeffvalues(rfit); rconf = confint(rfit); S.Fit.Fit = rfit; S.Fit.CoeffValues = rc; S.Fit.ConfInt = rconf; end %% Prepare figure npanels = (doplotrawdata + doplotbox + doplothistogram + doplotmeanstderr); if npanels > 0 figtitle = mainoptions.FigureTitle; if isempty(hfigure) hf = figure; else hf = hfigure; figure(hf); end set(hf,'Name',figtitle,'NumberTitle','off') S.Plot.Figure = hf; if npanels > 2 subplotind = [221 222 223 224]; elseif npanels > 1 subplotind = [121 122]; else subplotind = 111; end spi = 0; end %% Plot raw data set if doplotrawdata spi =spi + 1; subplot(subplotind(spi)) ha1 = cla; S.Plot.AxesRawData = ha1; hold all xmin = X{1}(1); xmax = X{1}(1); for i = 1 : length(Y) cx = Xo{i}(1); cy = Yo{i}; ct = T{i}; for j = 1 : length(cy) plot(cx + plotdisp*(rand-0.5),cy(j),datasetopt,... 'DisplayName',ct{j}); xmin = min([xmin cx]); xmax = max([xmax cx]); end cx = X{i}(1); cy = Y{i}(outlier{i}); ct = T{i}(outlier{i}); for j = 1 : length(cy) plot(cx + plotdisp*(rand-0.5),cy(j),outliersetopt, ... 'DisplayName',ct{j}); end end set(gca,'XLim',[xmin-1 xmax+1]); ylim = get(gca,'YLim'); set(gca,'YLim',[0,ylim(2)]); ylabel(labely); [sortedxpos isort] = sort(xpos); set(gca,'XTick',sortedxpos, ... 'XTickLabel',textleg(isort)) if addtorawdatamean hh = errorbar(ha1,xpos+2*plotdisp,ymean,yerr); set(hh, meandisplayopt) ht = title( {'Raw data set' , ... '\color[rgb]{1 0 0} Mean +/- StdErr'} ); %#ok else title('Raw data set') end end %% Plot histogram if doplothistogram N = NaN(nbins,length(X)); bins = linspace(min(dy),max(dy),nbins); spi = spi + 1; subplot(subplotind(spi)) ha2 = cla; S.Plot.AxesHistogram = ha2; hold all cm = cmap(length(X)); histleg = cell(length(X),1); for i = 1 : length(X) [N(:,i) B] = hist(Y{i},bins); % recenter bars B = B + (i-1) * (B(2)-B(1)) * wfactor/2; hb = barh(B,N(:,i),wfactor,'FaceColor',cm(i,:)); % recolor patches hpatch = get(hb,'Children'); set(hpatch,... 'FaceAlpha',histalpha, ... 'EdgeColor','k'); histleg{i} = textleg{i}; end S.Histogram = N; legend(textleg) xlabel('Count') ylabel(labely); title({'Histograms'}); if doplotrawdata set(gca,'YLim',get(ha1,'Ylim')); end legend(histleg) end %% Plot boxes if doplotbox spi =spi + 1; subplot(subplotind(spi)) ha3 = cla; S.Plot.AxesBox = ha3; hold all HB = boxplot(dy,dx,'Position',xpos(boxpos),... 'Whisker',whis,... 'Symbol','ro'); box off xl = get(gca,'XLim'); yl = get(gca,'YLim'); set(gca,'YLim',[0 yl(2)]); set(gca,'XTick',xpos(boxpos), ... 'XTickLabel',textleg(boxpos)) ylabel(labely); title({ 'Data repartition'}); if printstathelp text( xl(1) + 0.2*xl(2), 0.9 * yl(2), ... {' - box: lower quartile, median, upper quartile', ... [' - whiskers: data within ',num2str(whis,strn),' times interquartile range'],... ' - crosses: outliers'}); end % Plot student test yl = get(gca,'YLim'); yrange = yl(2) - yl(1); spacefactor = length(X)/3; barstacks = zeros(1,length(X)); % to store the ordinate of bars for i = 1 : length(X) hup1 = HB(1,i); barstacks(i) = max(get(hup1,'YData')); end h = cell(length(X),length(X)); p = cell(length(X),length(X)); ci = cell(length(X),length(X)); for i = 1 : length(X) for j = i+1 : length(X) [h{i,j},p{i,j},ci{i,j}] = ttest2(Yo{i},Yo{j},[],[],'unequal'); if doplotstudenttest && ( isempty(ttestpairs) || ttestpairs(i,j) || ttestpairs(j,i) ) ybar1 = max( [ barstacks(i) barstacks(j) ] ) +... (spacefactor+1) * spacer * yrange; ybar2 = max( [ barstacks(i) barstacks(j) ] ) +... (spacefactor+2) * spacer * yrange; barstacks(i:j) = ybar1; xbar1 = xpos(i); xbar2 = xpos(j); if h{i,j} == 1 barcol = 'k'; else barcol = 'r'; end xd = [xbar1 xbar1 xbar2 xbar2]; yd = [ybar1 ybar2 ybar2 ybar1]; line(xd,yd,'Color',barcol); xtext = (xbar1 + xbar2 ) / 2; ytext = ybar2 + spacer/1.5 * yrange; ptext = ['P = ',sprintf(strn,p{i,j})]; text(xtext,ytext,ptext,'HorizontalAlignment','center'); end end end if doplotstudenttest ht = get(gca,'Title'); set(ht,'String',[get(ht,'String'),' & Two-sample t-test']); end S.TTest.h = h; S.TTest.p = p; = ci; set(gca,'YLimMode','auto'); ylim = get(gca,'YLim'); set(gca,'Ylim',[0,ylim(2)]); if doplotrawdata set(ha1,'YLim',get(ha3,'YLim')); end if doplothistogram set(ha2,'YLim',get(ha3,'YLim')); end end %% Fit if doplotmeanstderr spi =spi + 1; subplot(subplotind(spi)) ha4 = cla; S.Plot.AxesMeanStdErr = ha4; hold all he = errorbar(xpos,ymean,yerr,'k'); set(he,datasetopt); if dofit plot(rfit) xl = get(gca,'XLim'); yl = get(gca,'YLim'); for i = 1 : length(param) fitinfo{i} = [param{i},' = ',num2str(rc(i),strn),... ' (',num2str(rconf(1,i),strn),... ',' num2str(rconf(2,i),strn),')']; %#ok end text(0.4*xl(2),0.9*yl(2), fitinfo); title({['Fit by ',funcstr],'(outliers excluded)'}); legend( ... {'mean +/- stderr', ... ['fit by ',funcstr] }); else legend( ... {'mean +/- stderr'}); end if doplotrawdata set(gca,'YLim',get(ha1,'YLim')); end ylabel(labely) end %% Prepare outputs if nargout > 0 varargout{1} = S; end %% Subfunction function out = struct2varargin(in) % Convert a struct in a cell of char in the Matlab 'field/value' % way, suitable to be a varargin cell if ~isstruct(in) errid = 'MATLAB:struct2varargin:BadInputType'; errmsg = ['Input argument must be a struct, got a ' ,class(in),'.']; error(errid,errmsg); end names = fieldnames(in); values = struct2cell(in); n = length(names); out = cell(n,1); for i = 1 : n out(2*i-1) = names(i); out(2*i) = values(i); end